Wedding Etiquette 101: The Dos and Don'ts Every Couple Should Know

Planning a wedding involves much more than simply choosing colors and floral arrangements. It's essential to navigate the intricate world of wedding etiquette to ensure that your special day runs smoothly and that everyone involved is left with a memorable experience. Here, explore ten top dos and don'ts of wedding etiquette that every couple should know going into their big day. 

Do Send Invitations on Time:

Sending out wedding invitations is one of the first, and most prominent, steps in announcing your big day. Do your best to send them out well in advance, ideally six to eight weeks prior to the wedding, in order to allow guests enough time to RSVP and make any necessary arrangements.

Don't Ignore RSVPs:

When you receive RSVPs, it's important to keep track of them and respond promptly. Try to avoid the temptation to disregard those who haven't responded, as they may still be planning to attend. Many people forget or simply let it slip their mind! Instead, follow up with gentle reminders closer to the deadline to ensure you’re getting an accurate headcount for your wedding.

Do Plan Seating Arrangements Thoughtfully:

Creating seating arrangements may seem daunting, however, it's a crucial aspect of a well-organized reception. Take the time to consider your guests' relationships and preferences to foster an enjoyable atmosphere throughout the night. Consider seating guests who are familiar with one another together, and avoid seating individuals who may not get along at the same table. Consider creating a good balance between guests who may not know each other well to help facilitate connections and create memorable moments for everyone. 

Don't Forget to Show Appreciation:

Expressing your gratitude to your friends, family, and guests for being a part of your special day is essential. You could consider sending out personalized thank-you notes within a few weeks of the wedding, just to acknowledge their presence, gifts, and well wishes. Depending on the size of your wedding, trying something even more personal like handwritten notes adds a thoughtful touch and makes a lasting impression.

Do Establish a Realistic Budget:

Weddings can be, and usually are, expensive, so it's crucial to establish a budget early on. Determine what aspects of the wedding are most important to you as a couple and allocate funds accordingly. Also, always remember to factor in unexpected expenses and to make adjustments when necessary.

Don't Assume Plus-Ones:

When sending out invitations, be clear about whether guests are allowed to bring a plus-one. If budget constraints or limited venue capacity don't allow for additional guests, it's acceptable to address the invitation to the specific guest without a "plus-one" option.

Do Share the Dress Code:

As the couple, you should set the tone for the dress code at your wedding. Know the look and feel you’re going for, and make sure this is properly communicated to others who will be in attendance. Provide clear instructions on the wedding invitations or wedding website to guide your guests on what attire is expected. If you have something like a specific theme or color scheme, communicate that as well in order to ensure everyone is on the same page. 

Don't Overshadow Other Celebrations:

If your wedding falls close to other significant events or holidays in the year, be considerate of guests' schedules and potential conflicts. Do your best to avoid scheduling your wedding on major holidays or during important religious observances to ensure that all your loved ones can fully participate in your celebration.

Don't Forget to Thank Your Vendors:

Your wedding vendors come together and work hard to help put together the wedding of your dreams, so it's essential to show appreciation for their efforts. Send a heartfelt thank-you note or consider writing a positive review to acknowledge their dedication and the outstanding service they provided.

Mastering wedding etiquette is essential for creating a harmonious and unforgettable celebration, though it's definitely a learning process! By following these dos and don'ts, you can ensure that your wedding day runs smoothly and leaves a lasting positive impression on you, your guests, and everyone behind the scenes. Remember, thoughtful planning, clear communication, and genuine gratitude go a long way in making your wedding an extraordinary event for everyone involved!


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